Te Wataka mo te Wiki: Weekly Organisation
How the Day and Week is Organised: Below is the schedule for the school week. Please note when school starts and finishes.
Key Aspects of the Time Structure for the Day and Week
Hui a Whanau: these are most important for our rangâtahi where we;
- Focus on the wellbeing of the whole student (Ngā Taiātea PUTA Profile)
- Reinforce the partnership between the students, Kaiârahi and the student?s parents
- Set, monitor and adjust the students learning plan which is aligned to each students passions, needs, and aspirations (Rautaki Ako)
- Rautaki Ako needs to be carefully set out by each student and supported by their Kaiârahi to ensure that the students have an eye on their mid to long term goal and see the purpose in the Rautaki that they set and the classes that they have committed too. The Rautaki Ako is central to the students seeing purpose in their learning
- Kaihautu Takere Whanau will set out timelines for whanau arahi to be guided by in what needs to be completed by our students. The Pouarahi Reanga will be the key person to ensure that Kaiârahi and their students complete what is required.
- Will practice our tikanga O Kawa (mihimihi, Karakia, mihi, korero akiaki, pânui)
- Share the notices on KAMAR with our students each morning
all students in the whanau have a time where they are responsible to lead the hui whanau (Year 9 – 13).
Hui a Kura (School Assemblies)
Where we come together as a whole Wharekura (school) to;
- Reinforce our tikanga O Kawa together as a kura
- Senior students have the opportunity to lead the kura
- Encourage and celebrate the attitudes and achievements of our students
- Ensure that all of the teachers and students are of one mind in regards to key messages and requirements
- Pânui any events that are coming up
- Share a positive, inspirational, uplifting messages and stories
- The hui a kura on Monday aims to celebrate our kaupapa and set the scene for the week
Hui a Reangâ (Year Level Meetings)
This is an opportunity when a reanga (year level) gets to focus on their own unique context where they will;
- Reinforce our tikanga o kawa together as a reangâ
- Students in the reanga have the responsibility to lead the hui whanau
- Encourage and celebrate the attitudes and achievements of the students in the year level
- Ensure that all of the teachers and students have clarity regarding key messages and requirements
- Pânui any events that are coming up share a positive, inspirational, uplifting message.
News & Events
The organisation ‘Partnership through Collaboration’ ran a competition during lockdown for tauira to do a poster about Covid 19 in Te Reo and these two
September 18, 2021
Learning at Ngā Taiātea
Our vision aims to ensure that Ngā Taiātea students are empowered by our past and present to lead in the future. The Manu Tāiko Taiātea graduate is committed to serve, uplift and lead our people.