

If your tamaiti is absent, or you know if advance that he/she will be absent, please inform the kura via phone (07) 8506358, by contacting Whaea, or by emailing the Kaiārahi so that the school roll can be updated accordingly.  A notification will be sent out each morning to whānau if your tamaiti is marked absent.


He mea nui te mahara ake, ko te hiahia kia eke ō tātou uri ki te tihi o angitu. Me pēhea e taea ai? Mā te tae-ā-tinana ki te kura, mā te upoko pakaru.

In order to learn and achieve their potential, our uri need to be at kura. We are working closely with Te Kōhao Health Attendance Services to address some of our student’s attendance issues, and support whānau and uri to improve attendance. Here is how we will work with the Attendance Services:

3 Days Unexplained Absence

Kura will contact whānau to follow up on our uri. If there is no reply, then;

  1. A referral is lodged with the Attendance Services  
  2. The Attendance Services will make contact with the whānau and will report back to kura.

10 Days Unexplained Absence

  1. During this time, our kura will endeavour to make contact with the whānau to come in and hui. If there is no response, then a truancy referral will be made to Attendance Services.
  2. Repeat the plan and then Attendance Services meet with whānau and kura. We will work with whānau to address the reason for absence (For example budget, kai, travel) with our aim being to re-engage our uri.

Whakapā mai ki a Whaea