E Puta Ki Taiātea!
Strive to Achieve Your Full Potential
Nō Onamata Te Mauri, Kei Anamata Te Aronga
Ancestrally Driven, Future Focused
Kāhui Kapa Haka: Inter-House Kapa Haka
Kāhui Kapa Haka is one of the most important events on the annual calendar. Kāhui Kapa Haka is the most anticipated event in which tuākana and teina in our four Kāhui work together to achieve a common goal. The goal is to create a Kapa Haka performance that incorporates the values and essence of each Kāhui. This event is led by the Ohu Tukuihotanga and implemented by the Amorangi and Poutiaki Kāhui. This auspicious kaupapa has assisted in the revitalisation and maintenance of taonga Māori and Kapa Haka within Ngā Taiātea Wharekura.
Whakapā mai ki info@taiatea.school.nz.