Positive Behaviour For Learning
Toka ā Nuku is an approach that we have at Ngā Taiātea Wharekura to promote, demonstrate and practise positive behaviour for learning in our kura. There are two key focus areas;
- Our reward system for positive behaviour – Ngā Tohu Whakahōnore
- Our BMS (Behaviour Management System) – Te Rautaki Whakatau Mauri
Ngā Tohu Whakahōnore: Our Reward System

Reward System for Positive Behaviour
Ngā Taiātea has a major focus on rewarding students for their positive behaviour in all settings. We focus on our uaratanga (school values) and students are acknowledged and rewarded for their efforts in supporting and living our values.
Kāri Ka Ngangaro: Free and Frequents. These cards are given out free and freely each day. Kaiako/Kaimahi can give the cards to our uri, or put cards directly into the Kāri Ka Ngangaro ‘kete’ which are hanging in the main foyer. One of the kaiako in each reanga is to enter the 1 point per card into Kamar during or after the Hui ā Reanga each week.
Certificates: Kaiako marau are to give out certificates to reward hard work. These are to be put into the Kāri Ka Ngangaro bags before the Hui ā Reanga each Monday morning. One of the kaiako in each reanga is to enter the 5 point per certificate into Kamar during or after the Hui ā Reanga. Te Tihi o Angitu certificates are also given out by the Tumuaki. These certificates are worth 7 points.